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Loving Listeners, also known as, For The Love Of Our Children, is a self-help support group for bereaved individuals.  It is a non-profit group that offers support, compassion, advice and companionship for anyone who is dealing with the death of a loved one. 

While most of our members are bereaved parents, anyone with the loss of any loved one is welcome to attend.  The group is full of empathy, as everyone in it is dealing with the death of someone they dearly loved. 

The atmosphere is usually light-hearted.  Members feel extremely comfortable with one another to talk about their child (or loved one).  Some have expressed that this is one of the few places they can talk about the person as most people do not know how to handle talking about death and/or the deceased.

We cry with each other, support each other, get ideas from each other and talk about how we handle different situations and holiday/events.

Feel free to come and listen, with no pressure to talk about anything.  Everyone has their own pace and way of dealing with situations.





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Roses for you in your time of need!



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