General Web Site Links
Bereaved Parents of the USA
Bereaved Parents of the USA is a national, non-profit self help organization offering support, care and compassion for parents, grandparents and siblings at any time after the death of a child, regardless of age of cause of death.
The Compassionate Friends
The Compassionate Friends is a national nonprofit, self-help support organization that offers friendship, understanding, and hope to bereaved parents, grandparents and siblings. There is no religious affiliation and there are no membership dues or fees.
Beyond Indigo
The goal of this company is to provide grief support, products and services to individuals and companies who assist people who are grieving. Beyond Indigo is listed in Forbes Best of the Web for the 4th consecutive year for grief support message boards!
Healing Hearts for Bereaved Parents
Providing grief support and services to parents who are suffering as the result of the death of their child or children. The volunteers are here to help as we have known the pain that the death of a child brings. We have struggled with and worked on our grief and finally have made peace with that sorrow. Our purpose is to offer understanding, suggestions for coping, support, friendship, and most of all hope to all bereaved parents. Parents whose child has died as a result of miscarriage or stillbirth are equally welcome as those whose children have died as a result of an illness, an accident or violence.
Specialized Web Site Links
The Alliance of Grandparents
Alliance of Grandparents, A Support in Tragedy (AGAST) is an all volunteer organization dedicated to helping grandparents through the trauma, stress and grief after the loss of a grandchild. Here on our website you will find many resources to help you.
Parents of Murdered Children
POMCA ® makes the difference through on-going emotional support, education, prevention, advocacy, and awareness. The POMCA ® vision statement is to provide support and assistance to all survivors of homicide victims while working to create a world free of murder.
The MISS Foundation
MISS is a nonprofit, volunteer based organization committed to providing emergency support to families in crisis after the death of their baby or young child from any cause.We are here to help families cope with the resultant feelings of overwhelming grief and loss. We are committed to public awareness to decrease infant mortality; we support medical research committed to the same cause.
Alive Alone
Alive Alone is an organization for the education and charitable purposes to benefit bereaved parents, whose only child or all children are deceased, by providing a self-help network and publications to promote communication and healing, to assist in resolving their grief, and a means to reinvest their lives for a positive future.
Baby Steps
BabySteps is named after the baby steps that form the long and difficult road to recovery from the loss of a child. No parent, relative or friend is immune from the pain that results from the loss of a young loved one. The BabySteps Children's Fund is a not for profit organization dedicated to raising funds for research into childhood illnesses and their treatments.
Survivors Of Suicide
The Survivors of Suicide (SOS) web site is an independently owned and operated web site and is in no way associated with any specific group, organization or religious affiliation. The purpose of the Survivors Of Suicide web site is to help those who have lost a loved one to suicide resolve their grief and pain in their own personal way.
Mother's Against Drunk Drivers
We’re dads and daughters, sons and uncles, friends and neighbors. And mothers. We’re all ages and from all walks of life. We are many colors with one voice. MADD is not a crusade against alcohol consumption - MADD's mission is to stop drunk driving, support the victims of this violent crime, and prevent underage drinking.
SHARE Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support, Inc
SHARE is a not-for-profit nondenominational organization providing support to those whose lives are touched by the tragic death of a baby through early pregnancy loss, stillbirth or newborn death.
Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors
TAPS is a national non-profit organization serving families, friends and military service members who have been affected by a death in the armed services. We offer peer support, crisis response and intervention, grief care and counseling resources, casework assistance, long-term survivor wellness, and community and military outreach.